Newsletter Issue 18

Ferncumbe Friday

Friday 12th July 2024

a busy last few weeks!

It has been an absolute pleasure to welcome so many of you into school in recent weeks, whether it be for our Sports Day and family picnic, music concerts, theme days or helping out with practical activities. The past two weeks have been so busy for us all; I hope the final newsletter of the academic year gives you a flavour of the learning opportunities that have been taking place in, and outside, school.

Thank you so much for your continued support which has been fed back in so many ways during recent weeks.

years 5 football match

Year 5 girls played a football match against St Anthony’s on Friday 28th June. Luisa has written the following match report…

‘It was a challenging match because we faced older, stronger, experienced players and a team of 11.  Ferncumbe arrived with 6 players and no subs which was great for Ferncumbe because it has challenged us to practise a bit more and get more prepared for our next one.

The score was 3 - 0 to them. Great defending from Ferncumbe who even attempted a couple of goals!  Isla W was player of the match!’

lowsonford and wroxall classes visit Lenches lakes

On Monday 1st July, Year 5 and 6 children visited the Lenches Lakes in Evesham. They took part in three activities linked to safe self water rescue. The classroom session introduced things the children should do and look out for in and around the water. They learned about the meaning of different flags on the beach and the dangers associated with different bodies of water. They went on a walk around the lake, completing some sketches and enjoying the scenery along the way. Finally, they took part in a water session where they learned about how to use flotation devices in water and then got into the lake. They put their shoulder and heads into the water and bravely swam out to a buoy further out in the water. A great learning experience had by all. Well done!

Mrs Eaves

wroxall class on deforestation

This week, Wroxall Class have been writing persuasive letters to the Brazilian government, to ask for a further reduction in the rate of deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. They have been so interested in the causes, including our own role to play in the issues we all face. Hugh wrote a fantastic poem about this emotive subject:

Mrs Grier

Honiley’s Final Fiesta

Yesterday, our class finished off our summer topic with a Mexican Day. We had a fantastic day creating Frida Kahlo piñatas, making burritos and decorating biscuits. A big thank you to the parent volunteers who came in to help support the children throughout the morning.

Miss Blackwell

haseley class visit twycross zoo

Last week, our Year One children went to Twycross Zoo to extend their learning about animals and their diets. The children started their visit with an expedition where they got to see different herbivores, carnivores and omnivores that live in the zoo. Meg, our expedition leader was so impressed with our knowledge! We then spent the rest of the day exploring the zoo. We saw flamingos, penguins, zebras but our favourite animal was the gibbons! What a lovely day we all had! Thank you so much to our parent volunteers who supported us on this trip.

Miss Constable

Hatton Class

On Monday, Hatton Class released ten beautiful butterflies. We talked about how much they had changed and grown since we met them as tiny caterpillars. Mrs Stephenson told us how much we had all changed and grown since we first started in Reception. Just like our butterflies, we are ready to move on too. We are excited for our move into Year One - we are ready to fly!!!

Mrs Stephenson

Rowington Class

We have had a great final half term and have been working towards making vegetable tarts. Today, we made the final product. Our cutting and food preparation skills were impeccable and we left the practical area smelling delightful. Thank you so much to the parents who gave up their morning to help us. We literally would not have been able to do it without you!

Miss Forbes

Message from the friends of ferncumbe

Firstly, the Friends would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last year; attending events, volunteering and donating. It's been a busy year and we hope you have enjoyed the events we've put on.

The recent summer fête was brilliant fun and so well attended, we raised over £1300! Together with other money raised this year and some grants that our team have worked hard to obtain, this means we are well on the way to upgrading the school playground, which is our big target for the next academic year.

Our next event will be the family BBQ on Friday 13th September to welcome new Ferncumbe families and catch up with old friends. 

Our annual AGM will be on Wednesday 25th September, all are welcome to attend, full details will be shared nearer the time.

Finally, there are still some items available to purchase in the Amazon wishlist, in case anyone would like to give an end of term thank you gift to the school:

We look forward to seeing you at next year's events, have a lovely summer.

With this being the final ‘Ferncumbe Friday’ newsletter of the academic year, and with the end of term fast approaching (we break up next Friday 19th July), I know that all staff will join me in wishing the whole Ferncumbe community a happy summer break.

Pupils are welcomed back to school for the start of next term on Tuesday 3rd September.

Very best wishes for a great weekend and a lovely summer when it eventually arrives!

Tracey Webb, Head of School

Staff Ferncumbe