Newsletter Issue 17

Ferncumbe Friday

Friday 28th June 2024

MOVE-UP morning!

On Wednesday 10th July there is sure to be great excitement in school when children spend a morning in their new classrooms, meeting and working with next year’s teacher. We fully understand that this can cause anxiety for some children, so please be assured that the transition will be handled very sensitively.

Class Teachers for 2024 - 2025

Hatton Class (Reception) - Mrs Stephenson

Haseley Class (Year 1) - Miss Constable

Honiley Class (Year 2) - Mr Byrom

Rowington Class (Year 3) - Miss Clee

Shrewley Class (Year 4) - Miss Reid

Wroxall Class (Year 5) - Mrs Eaves (M, Tu) Mrs Grier (W, Th, F)

Lowsonford Class (Year 6) - Mrs White

Our Learning Support Assistants will work flexibly across classes, as is usual practice.

You will know that I wrote to you recently to explain that I, myself, made the decision last year that I would be leaving Ferncumbe this summer and I thank you so much for the many kind words I have received following my communication.

We have some other members of staff leaving Ferncumbe at the end of this term. After 8 years, Miss Forbes is moving on to a new role in a Leamington Spa secondary school and Miss Blackwell, who joined us in 2021 following her teacher training, is leaving her full-time class teacher post and taking up a 2-day a week cover post at Ferncumbe. Mr Jones, who joined the Ferncumbe team in January last year, is Ieaving in July, along with Mrs Folkes who resigned from her Learning Support Assistant post earlier this term.

Mrs Irvine is moving on from her role as SENCo and Mrs Sutcliffe, our much valued School Business Manager, is also leaving. Mrs Reynolds, who, as well as her long-standing cleaning role has been a familiar face in Wren’s Nest this year, has also made the decision to leave.

I am sure you join me in thanking each and every one of them immensely for their invaluable contributions in so many areas over their time with us.

I have previously infomed you of Mr Byrom’s appointment as Assistant Headteacher from the Autumn term. We are also delighted to share with you that along with Miss Blackwell, Mrs Eaves will be working an additional day to provide regular cover for some of our teachers. Miss Lauren Clee also joins the Ferncumbe teaching team from September.

We will of course inform you of our new SENCo and any other appointments as soon as possible.

Tracey Webb

Sports Day and Family Picnic - Friday 5th July 2024

We look forward to welcoming families to this year's Sports Day and Family Picnic. Below are details of the day.

KS2 will hold their races in the morning (10.45am start) and Reception/KS1 in the afternoon (1pm start). Please come to the red playground gate which will be unlocked at 10.30am for the morning races, 12pm for the picnic and 12.45pm for the afternoon races.

We would love all families to join us on the school field at lunchtime for a picnic at 12pm (approx.) with their child/ren. Deli bags will be available for children who would normally have a school lunch. The office will send out a separate letter regarding the uptake of a school lunch on the day as we know that some parents prefer to provide their own picnic for their child. A reminder that obviously no alcohol is brought onto the school site.

Please note that there will not be an early finish for KS2 children after the picnic lunch.  They will return to their classrooms after lunch and remain under the supervision of their teachers.

Reception and KS1 children can be signed out early if their races finish before the end of the school day. Any KS2 siblings will of course be able to accompany siblings at that point too. Parents will not be able to collect children other than their own, unless this has been confirmed officially through contact with the school office earlier in the day.

Please can we ask that all parents support us with the following on Sports Day, to ensure the safety of our children and the smooth running of a very busy day.

  • Please can all parents stay on the school side of the track at all times, apart from the lunchtime picnic, when you are welcome to fill the field and (hopefully!) seek shade should you wish.

  • Can we ask that all parents remain by the track and not at the end. We would love to accommodate 'photo finishes' for all parents, but sadly there are simply too many people crowding the end of the track now, so pupils cannot cross the line at speed safely, and staff find it too difficult to rank the finishers. We will put up a simple rope and polite notice to remind you.

  • Sports day can be a day of mixed emotions for the pupils, but please rest assured that we are aware of all the pupils and will comfort those who need it, so please do not cross to the other side of the track.

Children should come to school in their school PE kit on the day.

Let's hope the sun shines! If it does, please ensure your child has applied suncream, wears a sun hat and has a water bottle. If the weather looks unsettled and wet, we will advise you by 8.30am on the day if the event is to be cancelled.

school uniform reminder

As we approach the end of the summer term, you are no doubt starting to think about preparations for September. For your information and clarity, I have copied the uniform requirements from the Parent Handbook. We really do appreciate your support with this.

open afternoon - wednesday 17th July (2 - 4pm)

Following receipt of your child’s end of year report on Friday 12th July, there will be an opportunity to come into classrooms and look through your child’s learning with them between during our Open Afternoon on Wednesday 17th July, between 2 - 4pm. On this occasion, you will be able to sign your child out for an early finish if you wish.

haseley class

This term in Year 1, we have been learning about animals in our science lessons. We have really enjoyed learning about the different types of animals that live around us. We have also been learning about what different animals eat and can classify herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. We hope to learn more about this when we visit Twycross Zoo next week! Keep your eyes peeled for all of the amazing animals we will (hopefully!) see.

Miss Constable

wroxall class trip to the butterfly farm and MAD museum

On Tuesday 11th June, Year 5 went to the Butterfly Farm and MAD Museum in Stratford. The children really enjoyed walking through the butterfly area, discovering tiny caterpillars on leaves and chrysalis hiding in trees. They had lots of fun holding stick insects and watching feeding time for the Cayman Crocodile! After lunch, we walked across Stratford to the MAD Museum. Every group had chance to build their own marble runs across the magnetic wall and really enjoyed exploring so many inventions using pulleys, levers, gears and CAHMS mechanisms. A great learning experience Year 5!

Mrs Eaves

Year 5 and 6 athletics

A huge well done to all of the Year 5 and 6 children who attended the Central Warwick Athletics event on Wednesday 5th June. There was a great sense of family during every event with the children supporting each other and cheering each other on. There was great success in both the field and track events but well done to everyone for such fantastic effort and determination to succeed. Our team looked fantastic in their new T-shirts too!

year 3 and 4 athletics

Year 3 and 4 children competing last Wednesday did a fantastic job of representing Ferncumbe across all the events! We were very successful overall and the adults were so proud of every child for taking part and giving each sport their very best. They all looked great in their new tops too!

aylesford athletics - the final!

This week, our finalists who had qualified in an earlier round, went to Edmonscote to compete in the Warwickshire Athletics Final Competition, competing against finalists from other local schools. We were incredibly lucky to have so many Ferncumbe pupils representing us at the event, and are so proud of each and every child who took part and gave it their best. It was a tough afternoon, with the weather and the amount of bodies involved, and the competition was tough too. The results from the event are as follows…

Atarah Cooper - 3rd in Year 3 Long Jump

Oliver Woodall - 3rd in Year 3 Javelin

Maisie Evans - 2nd in Year 4 50m sprint and 1st in Year 4 Long Jump

Year 4 girls relay team (Maisie, Matilda, Carys, Lily-Rose) came 3rd in the Year 4 50m relay

Felix Blundell - 5th in Year 5 75m sprint

Javier Grana - 6th in Year 5 600m sprint

Annabella Williams - 4th in Year 5 Javelin

Merryn Taylor - 1st in Year 6 Long jump and 1st in Year 6 75m sprint

We are so pleased for both Maisie and Merryn, and proud that their athletic achievements have been recognised at this level.

Thank you so much to Mrs Taylor who supported the children at the event, and an even bigger thank you to Mrs Taylor’s Dad who went to the track early and set up a gazebo for our children to rest in on one of the hottest days of the year!

Well done all!

Terrific Tennis!

Congratulations to Annabella who was selected to represent Henley Tennis Club on June 18th at Rothesay Classic Birmingham 2024.

Shrewley Class

Earlier this week, Year 4 spent the day at the Habitat Survival Trust near Henley-in-Arden. We had a great time exploring meadow, woodland and river habitats and learning about the wildlife that lives there. We spotted wild orchids, Hazel leaf-roller beetles and even some kingfishers zooming past! Our expert guides were impressed by the knowledge and enthusiasm of the class and were keen to answer our variety of questions. We particularly loved the river activities in the afternoon, most welcome on a very warm day!

Miss Reid

hatton Class

In Hatton Class this half term we have been thinking about life cycles. The children have been very engaged in our learning and have shown great interest in the life cycles of ladybirds, butterflies, frogs and spiders. One of our children brought in some special visitors and explained their life cycle to the rest of the children in Hatton Class. We have some more visitors coming next week, hopefully they won’t leave too many slimy trails! This week we have been busy spiders, inspired by a favourite author, Eric Carle.

With very best wishes for a lovely weekend,

Tracey Webb, Head of School

Staff Ferncumbe