
Contact us

To contact the clerk please email Attingham Education at

Contact number: 01384 598319

Who are we?

donna bothamley, chair of Governors.

Contact -

Donna was first appointed to the Governing Board in 2018 and her second term started on 9 July 2022. Her term of office ends on 9 July 2026. She is a Foundation Governor appointed by the Coventry Diocesan Board of Education in consultation with the PCC of the Church of Holy Trinity, Hatton. As a Foundation Governor Donna has a duty to preserve the Christian character of the school. Donna is now the chair of governors and the Chair of the Delivering the Vision Group. She also sits on the Pay & Performance Committee.

Attendance: 2022-23 100%

Register of Interest: None

sarah asprey, vice-chair of governors.

Sarah was first appointed to the Governing Board on 5 December 2019 and her term of office expires on 4 December 2027. She is a Co-opted governor appointed by the Governing Board. Sarah is the finance governor and a member of the Pay & Performance Committee and the Academy Group.

Register of interest: None

Attendance: 2022-2023 100%

joanne Blake.

Joanne was elected to the Governing Board on 17 October 2019 and her term of office ends on 16 October 2027. She is a Parent Governor elected by the parent body of the school. Joanne has specific responsibility for monitoring SEND and Inclusion and monitoring of data.

Register of Interest: None

Attendance: 2019/20 - 100% | 2020/21 - 83% 2022/2023 -100%

Ann Peachey

Ann was appointed to the Governing Board in January 2023 and her term of office ends in January 2027. She is a Foundation Governor appointed by the Coventry Diocesan Board of Education in consultation with the PCC of the Church of Holy Trinity, Hatton. As a Foundation Governor Ann has a duty to preserve the Christian character of the school. Ann is a member of the Delivering the Vision Group.

Register of Interest: None

Attendance: 2022/2023 - 100%

Sally Morris, executive Headteacher.

Sally is an ex officio Staff Governor by virtue of her position in school. Sally is a member of the Delivering the Vision Group.

Attendance: 2022/2023 - 100%

Register of Interest: None.

sally rance

Sally was elected to the Governing Board in June 2023 and her term of office ends in June 2027. She is a parent Governor elected by the parent body of the school.

Register of interest: None


Tracey Webb, Head of school.

Tracey is an ex officio Staff Governor by virtue of her position in school. Tracey is a member of the Delivering the Vision Group.

Attendance: 2018/19 - 100% | 2019/20 - 100% | 2020/21 - 100%

Register of Interest: None

Attendance - 2022/2023 100%

Joshua moore

Josh was first appointed to the Governing Board on 25 October 2023 and his term of office ends on 25 October 2027. He is a Co-opted Governor appointed by the Governing Board and has specific responsibility for Health and Safety.

Register of Interest: None


How do we work?

The Governors of Ferncumbe work as a single team delegating tasks to committees, groups, pairs and individuals. This will usually be on a short term ad hoc basis with governors reporting at the next meeting but can also be a standing item for the year. This year we have a group of governors working on Delivering the Vision and a pair of governors with specific responsibility for Finance. We have named governors with specific responsibility for SEND and Inclusion, Safeguarding, Health and Safety, and Data Analysis and these governors meet with a named member of staff to monitor their area of responsibility at least 3 times a year.

The Board has one standing committee, the Pay & Performance Committee, who are responsible for all matters of pay and performance management for the staff in school. The board also has a number of special committees, which are only set up when they are required. These are set up for exclusions, staff disciplinaries, grievances, headteacher recruitment and complaints.

During the initial stages of the Corona Virus pandemic the Governing Board delegated powers to a Steering Committee in order to speed up decision making. The whole Governing Board met at the end of the 2018/19 and agreed to resume our regular meeting schedule.

What do we do?

Our Role.

School governors are the strategic leaders of the school, ensuring every child gets the best education possible. To do this the Governors Handbook defines three core functions which governors should be focused on:

Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction,
Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance and management of staff; and
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The Commitment

Governors at Ferncumbe are committed to

  • attend 6 Board meetings a year

  • attend at least one of the two monitoring days a year

  • where they have a specific responsibility or monitoring role, make contact with their opposite staff member at least once a term and

  • contribute fully in meetings by reading paperwork, attending patch and consortium meetings and undertaking training.

The National Governors Association has calculated that on average attendance and preparation for meetings equates to a time commitment of about 4 hours per meeting, and preparation and attendance at link meetings is about 2 hours per meeting.

Becoming a Governor

Skills   No prior knowledge is required to be a school governor but an active interest in primary education, a commitment to quality and raising standards, a willingness to promote the school in the wider community, the ability to work positively with others and contribute as members of the team. Governors are expected to attend induction training as a minimum.

Eligibility   You must be over 18 and living in the UK.

You are not eligible if you have been declared bankrupt in the last 3 years or served a sentence for a conviction within the last 5 years. Please refer to the most up to date version of the Governance Handbook for more information.

You have to make an annual declaration of interests, which will be held by the clerk and published on the website.

Governors attendance is monitored and published on the website.

Governors are required to undertake an enhanced DBS check within 21 days of appointment.

Term   Governors serve a term of 4 years, although as volunteers can resign at any point if their circumstances change.

Applying   Parent Governors and Staff Governors are elected through open competition at the end of every 4 year term or as required. They are advertised through the school newsletter and staff notice board.

Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body. Expressions of interest should be made to the Clerk to Governors, who will provide you with an application form and additional information.