Wroxall Class

A huge welcome to Wroxall class from us both. We are so looking forward to the year ahead with the children, where we hope they will grow in confidence both academically and emotionally, whilst having fun and making some lovely memories along the way too!

Mrs Eaves is with the class Mondays, Tuesdays and Mrs Grier Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Miss Blackwell will take the class for their topic lesson on Wednesday afternoons, and we are also very lucky to have the continuing support of Miss Yana as a volunteer TA in class on Thursdays.

Our topic this term will be the Anglo Saxons and Vikings! We will learn all about this fascinating part of our history, which will also be brought to life through our class text, Anglo Saxon Boy - a firm favourite with the pupils. Our curriculum map and topic knowledge organiser below will provide more details.

Homeworks will take on a slightly different timetable moving forwards, with online maths set every week, as well as alternating reading/grammar tasks weekly as well. For those children (and parents!) who will be sad to say goodbye to creative tasks, these will still be an optional extra should the children wish to get stuck in. We would love to see these!

An outline of our Autumn learning.

Both pages of the Knowledge Organiser that the children will have in their books as guidance throughout the topc.

Optional creative tasks.


Each week, MyMaths will be set as homework. A letter was sent home at the start of term to explain how to log on and get set up, with the log in details being stuck into every child’s homework book. Pupils mark this online as they go, and there are videos to help if they are struggling. We will review MyMaths at the end of the year to see how well it suits us.

Grammar and Reading homeworks will alternate each week. These will be managable tasks, based on previous learning for consolidation, so for the most part, children should be independent. We expect the same level of pride in presentation and general effort as we do in class, so please do encourage your child to try their best.

We fully understand how busy term time can be, so if for any reason your child was unable to complete their homework, just drop us a note via your child to let us know. Thank you!


Things to bring to school:

Each day your child will need to bring: -

  • A water bottle. Please name the bottle and remind your child to bring it in every day already filled so they can begin work on arrival.

  • A reading book. The children are expected to read in school and at home everyday. They can either bring a book home with them or have one book at home and one book at school.

  • We will inform you of the PE/swimming days well in advance, so that your child can come to school already prepared in PE kit.

  • A coat for those unexpected showers!

  • Please note: NO pencil cases from home. We are forunate enough to be able to provide everything that your child needs. Stationery and pencil cases from home have caused problems in recent years, with lost items, ‘borrowed’ items not returned and competition between larger and larger pencil cases that dominate the tables and work space. Thank you for your support with this.


A quick reminder that instead of sending in sweets for birthdays to be celebrated in class, we encourage all children to donate their favourite book to the class, which we will keep in school. It is obviously a much healthier choice and places a greater emphasis on reading at this age! Please feel free to inscribe it with a message, as well as their name and age. Thank you!

Age Related Expectations


Wroxall Class will be having a ‘French in 15’ aural lesson each week with Mrs Grier, just to keep our hand in with what the class learnt last year. The Spring term, will include a full French lesson during enrichment time.


PE days are Monday and Friday. The sessions will be based around Real PE and Real Gym. Weather dependent, we will be inside or outside and the children can come into school in their PE kit on these days. PE kit includes black shorts or joggers, a white T-shirt and trainers. Please can this also be the case for dance and football club - normal PE kit each week.

In addition to PE lessons, we will continue with regular movement breaks and laps around the track. This is beneficial for the children socially, mentally and physically.


This is of huge importance to all children. Reading for enjoyment every day, alone or with an adult, will not only increase your child’s vocabulary, but improve general knowledge, comprehension and general understanding across all subjects.

Please continue to encourage your children to read at home, ideally daily, but at least three times a week for 20-30 minutes.  They may bring home a book from school, or read their own books. Reading out loud to an adult or being read to, is not only for younger children - pupils of all ages benefit enormously from this.  Where possible, try to add any reading that you do together in your child’s reading diary.

Please feel free to send an e-mail via the office if you have any concerns.

We are sure this will be a great term, with lots to look forward to! Thank you for your continued support.

Don’t forget to follow us on twitter - www.twitter.com/WroxallClass for regular updates and an insight into your child’s school day.

Recommended reading list

It’s important for children to read as much as possible; to enjoy reading; to want to share what they have read with someone else and to challenge themselves to read different authors from different periods of time. In this way the children will build a rich vocabulary and greater understanding of the techniques authors use in their work to be able to apply this in their own writing. Have a look at our recently updated recommended reading list below!