Newsletter Issue 8

Ferncumbe Friday

Friday 12th January 2018

Happy New Year!


Calling All Ferncumbe Scientists! (That means every one of us!)

Over the coming weeks we are preparing for our Science Week, which will take place straight after half term, week beginning 26th February. Instead of 3 creative homework tasks between now and then, we are asking the pupils to carry out a Science investigation, as detailed in the information sent home this week.

In assembly last Wednesday, we explored the idea of a 'Scientist' being any person who asks questions and then investigates to try and find an answer. This may take time, patience and repeated failure, so it also fits well with our current Growth Mindset focus!

The entries will be due in on Monday 26th February and a letter detailing the requirements and lots of advice was e-mailed home this week. There are endless possibilities for children to explore and we would appreciate your support in helping to encourage and inspire them to ask a 'Big Question' and then have fun exploring it! Please use the links in the e-mail to find ideas if it would help. 

Winning scientists of the week will be invited to Warwick University in March to take part in a fantastic day of Science and present their own project. Sibling and paired projects will be welcomed - most scientists work through collaboration!

A reminder that parents are invited into their child's Science lesson from 9-10am on Thursday 1st March 2018 - we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible!

Mrs Grier

One World Link Visit to Bo in Sierra Leone February 11th – 22nd 2018


One World Link (OWL) is an organisation that was set up in the 1980s to forge friendship ties between schools in Warwickshire and Bo. At Ferncumbe we have been part of OWL for many years, but the link has had its difficulties in recent years due to civil war and the Ebola crisis. However, I am excited to announce that I am going to Sierra Leone in February with other teachers from Warwickshire to visit our link schools. Our link school is called UBC Lower. This visit gives us the opportunity to rekindle our link, with all the potential educational benefits that this will bring. It gives us the chance to share our ideas and teaching methods with schools in Bo, but also gives us the chance to gain ideas from them too and to learn about each other’s lifestyles and cultures. In the future, we may also be able to get a teacher from UBC to visit us.

Whilst the link is for friendship not charity, it would still be good to take out certain things that are always in short supply there, as a gesture. Therefore, I would be grateful if parents and carers could donate black or blue biros, pencils and coloured pencils for me to take out. Perhaps you could get your employers to donate too? Please bring any donations into school by Monday 5th February.

I will also be talking to School Council and your children about other fund-raising in school to help with the work of OWL.

Thank you very much,

Tim Bladon

department for education consultation on Changes to the teaching of Sex & Relationship Education and PSHE

The Department for Education is considering how to update the existing Sex and Relationship guidance which, was last updated in 2000, and is therefore now out of date. The updated guidance will support schools in delivering the new subjects of Relationships Education at primary and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at secondary, as well as, potentially, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE). This call for evidence asks for your views on how the content of the subjects and how the current guidance on sex education should be updated. Your comments will be used to help the department further refine thinking and proposals - the consultation period runs until 12th February 2018.



As part of our computing curriculum this term, the children will be learning about e-safety and how to keep themselves protected online.  With two-thirds of 5-7 year olds going online and 81% of children aged 5-15 having access to a tablet at home (, it is important that we work together to  keep children safe and acting responsibly online.

We would appreciate your support in discussing online safety with your child. Below are some links containing information about how to keep settings safe on your devices, understanding symbols for games and what they contain, as well as how to help your child remain safe online.

Websites for more information: find what PEGI (symbols on the back of games) mean  advice and information to protect your child Coventry and Warwickshire run page with advice and tips – Visit the “Parent/Carer” Section and use the “Click CEOP” button to seek advice and report online abuse – Visit the ‘Know It All’ Section for an interactive guide about online safety - advice for parents for how to keep your child safe child friendly videos

spring term class news

Please do take some time to read the updated Spring Term news on our school website class pages. The pages are found under the curriculum tab on the homepage...

Best wishes for a lovely weekend,

Tracey Webb, Deputy Headteacher


Staff Ferncumbe