Newsletter Issue 6
Ferncumbe Friday
Friday 1st December 2017
goodbye Mrs Dews!
Last Monday we said a final goodbye to Mrs Dews during an assembly in her honour. Many children shared their special memories and surprised her with cards and gifts. Mrs Dews' affiliation with Ferncumbe goes back many, many years - 17, in fact! She has been a parent, a parent volunteer, an KS2 'Enrichment' leader (Zumbatronics!) and a lunchtime supervisor, before finally becoming our Wren's Nest coordinator 6 years ago. Mrs Dews is off to Scotland on a new, exciting adventure - we send her off on her travels with our love, and huge thanks for everything she has contributed to Ferncumbe over the years. She will certainly be much missed by children and adults alike.
Parents' Evening Dates
Please note that dates for 2018 Spring and Summer Term Parents' Evenings dates are as follows:
Monday 22nd January (3.30-7.30pm) and Wednesday 24th January (3.30-5.30pm) 2018
Monday 30th April (3.30-7.30pm) and Wednesday 2nd May (3.30-5.30pm) 2018
These appointments, which the office will request you to book via Agora nearer the time, offer the opportunity to discuss with teachers your child's progress towards their end of year expectations, and any other important issues which may arise. Your child's books will also be available for you to view. As always, Years 1-6 will bring home their Progress Folders on the Friday afternoon preceding the appointments.
There will, additionally, be an Open Afternoon invitation, when you're welcome to visit your child's classroom and look at their work - this will be on Wednesday 18th July 2018 (2-5pm). The Open Afternoon follows the sending home of your child's annual, written report.
sponsorship total
School Council are very proud to announce a sponsorship total of £1456.70! Thank you to all of those who sponsored the event - approximately 40% of children brought in sponsor money. School Council were a little surprised at the low number of returns and have said that they're happy to receive any late sponsor forms.
Additionally, we're delighted to let you know that the total has been almost matched by a parental donation, giving a final total of £2706.70. This means that we're on the way to replacing about 7 of our netbooks! We would appreciate any feedback regarding our sponsor week - please do let the school office know.
christmas jumper day
We will be taking part in the national ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ on Friday 15th December 2017. Pupils are invited to wear a Christmas or Winter themed top to school, with their normal school skirt or trousers. Please don’t feel it necessary to go out and buy a new top - a home decorated one is absolutely fine!
cold weather
Please do ensure that your child brings their school jumper and coat (hat etc.) to school, now that the winter weather seems to have well and truly set in! We are very fortunate that parent volunteers run several lunchtime clubs throughout the week, so some children choose to attend these, and stay in the warm.
christmas plays
We are in the run-up to such an exciting, busy and reflective time of year at Ferncumbe - lines are hastily being learnt and songs enthusiastically rehearsed. Wherever you go in school there is likely to be something ‘seasonal’ happening! Thank you for all of your support with the learning of lines and providing costumes.
I do hope you can join us for one of our Christmas plays - tickets for all of our Christmas productions will be sent out next week.
Years 2-6
Wednesday 13th December 1.45pm - Dress Rehearsal for grandparents in the Village Hall (unticketed)
Thursday 14th December 2pm and 6.30pm performances in the Village Hall - 2 tickets per family
Year 1 and Reception
Wednesday 20th December in the school hall
9.15am performance for Reception parents - 2 tickets per family
10.15am performance for Year 1 parents - 2 tickets per family
We kindly ask that you return any unwanted tickets to the school office.
christingle service
Children have been busy making Christingles in school today!
Children from Ferncumbe, along with friends and family, are invited to the Christingle Service to be held at Holy Trinity Church on Sunday 3rd December, at 10am. Any money raised from the collection will be donated to The Children's Society. There is also the chance to bring along any unwanted and good quality toys, which will then be donated to Helping Hands.
'warwickshire young voices' perform in London
On Sunday 12th November Romy travelled to London with 40 'Warwickshire Young Voices' singers to sing with a massed choir of over 1600 at The Royal Albert Hall.
The young singers aged 7-16 have worked incredibly hard over the Autumn Term to learn choruses from Handel's Messiah - including the famous Hallelujah Chorus. Singing in this world class venue was an incredible experience. They performed this iconic choral work with professional orchestra, soloists and conductor Ben Parry - Director of the National Youth Choirs of Great Britain.
For more information about Warwickshire Young Voices please visit the website at
Congratulations to Madeleine Pellow in Year 5 on her invitation to join the Midlands Regional Tennis Squad. The Midlands is made up of 9 counties, so it's a fantastic achievement that Maddie has been selected. Maddie now regularly trains at Loughborough University with some of the top coaches in the country!
Christmas Fayre - Sunday 3rd December 2017
Hatton Park WI will be holding a Christmas Fayre in order to raise money for a defibrillator at Hatton Park
Sunday 3rd December
11am to 3pm
Hatton Park Village Hall
Lots of stalls, raffle and tombola prizes to be won, gifts and cards to buy and refreshments. Plus, come and visit Father Christmas!
Alcester grammar school Consultation document
As required by the Admissions Code, Alcester Grammar School has published its proposed admissions policy for 2019 entry and has initiated a consultation period which will run from Friday 17 November 2017 to Friday 29 December 2017 (6 weeks).
The consultation document is available on the following website page
If anyone wishes to comment on this draft policy they should write to June Barron, Clerk to the Governors, at the school address: Alcester Grammar School, Birmingham Rd, Alcester, B49 5ED before the deadline of midday on Friday 29 December 2017.
Best wishes for a lovely weekend,
Tracey Webb, Deputy Headteacher